Monday, May 14, 2012

Do we need a day to show our love to mothers?

This was one of ad in Times of India, Chennai Edition. Is this the way we are supposed to thank our mother? Just wondering how can people be so mean?

When i opened my facebook account yesterday and today it was filled with mother's day wishes (though they knew their mothers are never going to read it, but to get those "Likes" from friends), glory songs of mothers, old photographs, brunches and dinners for mother......... 

Common friends!! were we waiting for this 2nd Sunday of May to show our special love to our mother??

I strongly believe by these actions we are belittling our Janani's (one who gave you janmam) sacrifice and love
The story of mother's day itself is quite interesting. It was created by Anna Jarvis, around 100 years ago for world to honour mothers. It is in 2nd Sunday of May because her beloved mother died on that day.
 Jarvis wanted us to show our mothers how much their devotion and sacrifice matters, how we esteem the “truth, purity and broad charity of mother love.” She expected us to do it with simple gestures — in her opinion, a single white carnation (flower) and a heartfelt letter were best. 
She tried her efforts for almost a decade and finally got it declared by then President of USA Woodrow Wilson as a national holiday in 1914. But things got changed in way which she even didn't dreamt in her wildest dreams. It was taken up by business people to make it a harvest like the ad shown above.

Anna Jarvis realized what she has created has gone out of her hands and desperately tried to stop commercialisation of mother's day. She was even once arrested for the charges of disrupting peace in one of her attempts. She spent her entire wealth and life fighting against the day she had created. She finally died in an mental hospital - penniless, never married and never gave birth. Irony is that her hospital bills were paid by a greeting card company.

So friends, please understand that we are doing 180 deg opposite of what was supposed to be. Today everything is commercialised; but does that mean we thank our mother is such a way? All of us understand that her love and sacrifice is priceless. We should not be waiting for a day to express our love to her and most importantly no idiot should tell us how to love our mother.
Go!! Tell her that you love her - Everyday!!

Concluding with
"Heaven lies under your mother's feet" 
- Holy Qur'an (I believe)

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